Foundational Elective

The Introduction to Emergency Medicine elective is a new offering in the 2014-2015 academic year.  It is designed to provide students in their first year of clinical training (i.e. M3s) with earlier exposure to EM to help with career planning.

The elective will allow students a chance to observe the evaluation and treatment of patients in the Emergency Department while gaining an appreciation of the unique aspects of emergency care.  Specifically, emphasis will be placed on the approach to the “undifferentiated” patient, recognizing and understanding the significance of abnormal vital signs, and formulating differential diagnoses for common complaints including chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and altered mental status.

The elective is 2 weeks long and enrollment is limited to 2 students per block.  Students will be given a grade of Credit or No Credit depending on attendance and participation.

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